Sunday, January 2, 2011

Stuft Pizza. Elsegundo.

Holy mother fuck me that was a whole lot of pizza. Try shoveling more than 3 of those damn things down your pie hole. Fuck that was some good pizza. I sware I didn't see any cheese but they said it was on there. Lol
And there was a salad that no one could touch cause we were all out of room.
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bonnie 'Marilyn' parker said...

that looks bombay. better than any damn pizza hut around here :P

d said...

Mmm hmm sure was.

Zoey said...

That looks Yumm I wana try

Zoey said...

That looks Yumm I wana try

d said...

It really was good. The regular pepperoni pizza isn't that great at all. But when you add the other toppings its pretty fucking good. If you guys are ever down there you should go.