Sunday, January 23, 2011

Steak and Lobster

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5


Zoey said...

were was this steak n lobster party? n why wsnt i invited.

Zoey said...

were was this steak n lobster party? n why wsnt i invited.

d said...

I tried txting you and calling you allllll weekend but you never answered. Lol
I know I know. Stupid Miso soup ruined it. This was at my parents house for my sisters birthday since she wont be here next weekend.
Can't wait til tomorrow......

Zoey said...

shut ur mouth i told u my phone is dead i wont get a replacement til tomorow mayb i hate sprint. im going crazy with out a phone and i cant blog so bite me.

d said...

I know your phone is dead did you not read what I said? Lol. Im sure you're dying w/o a phone. Fyi my droid works great. And I know this is a food blog but I would rather starve than bite you.