Monday, January 24, 2011

Popeyes, 14723 Rinaldi St. San Fernando CA

Yep was craving this more than anything and just like the first time it was really good. Good'ole spicy po'boy chicken sandwich,fries and a drink. It was perfect.
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Zoey said...

how much was it? i dont see the value in this? lol, and why is that yellow ethernet cable disconected?

Zoey said...

ur gona get phat

Zoey said...

this is a food blog not a phone, cables desk blog, jeezz

Zoey said...

i hope ur droid fall in the

d said...

Lmao.....damn. Sorry im not privileged like others who are allowed an hour+ for lunch and have no one watching over them. Unfortunately I have to eat my lunch at my desk. Fyi it is 6.99+ tax. Fyi im already fat. Fyi the cable was unplugged because I had to move the laptop I was working on. Fyi I never use the phone while using the bathroom or near water cause accidents happen and I have no insurance.

Zoey said...

thnk u much appreciated

Zoey said...

keep ur phone away from the miso soup.