Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Some Mexican joint from out here.

No BS this was only half of what I took home and both of their plates were full.
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Zoey said...

that a gripload of goodies why wasnt i invited to this taco taco party.

Zoey said...

that a gripload of goodies why wasnt i invited to this taco taco party.

d said...

Sorry but you were to busy on your way to the gym. There was actually enough for your kids and mine plus both of us to eat and still have left overs. They really hooked me up.

Zoey said...

must b nice......

d said...

Yes it is one of the perks working at a corporate office.......getting leftovers. Lol
But it was really good. I was surprised.

Zoey said...

i dont like other peoples leftoverssss im much toooo fantastic for that coorporate america nonsense