Saturday, December 25, 2010

Xmas diner today, since I din't eat diner last night

rice, mash potatoes, spinach n egg

green bean casserole n Ham


bonnie 'Marilyn' parker said...

fuck looks like you guys had a good dinner. we didnt have a dinner here. lets see yesterday i had a special k strawberry shake, mike made me a egg white sandwich on wheat and then at night i took him to sonics for a sonic blast and i had some of that.
haha no holidays for this guy.

d said...

If I could have I would have had sonics.

Zoey said...

i love sonics, the 24th i had some amazing as hell nachos no pics cause i was so munchies prone i forgot it ,lfmao but this was my dinner the next day n it was great i dont even like ham.

d said...

Must have been pretty good for you to not take pics.