Monday, December 27, 2010


1 double del with fries n a strawberry lemonade.... 2 fish tacos with fries n a lemonade.... and 1 macho beef burrito with stolen fries.... :)
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bonnie 'Marilyn' parker said...

fucks yeah. i love del taco. my after school ritual in high school was a spicy chicken burrito with like fifty of the black diablo sauce haha i have fond memories of that place <3
the only thing i ever tried was that and the macho burritos which were HUGE and awesome :D

Zoey said...

that looks ridiculousy good

Zoey said...

u eat alot, nicca

d said...

Yes macho burritos. Nothing better than that and the diablo sauce and maybe a double del.
I only had the burrito. She had fish tacos and ate both and he had the burger.