Tuesday, November 30, 2010

review of sonic snackies.

so i kept seeing a commercial for the new sonic drink snacks- sugar and spice cookie sonic blast and the sweet spiced hot cocoa drink.
the sonic blast is f'ing awesome. not too sweet but enough of a kick. could always have more cookies. :)
the cocoa on the other hand pissed me off. it's like hot water with a sprinkle of cinnamon flavored chocolate. LAME. either way. tasty. 


d said...

I absolutly hate getting hot chocolate like that. That's why I usually use 3 swiss miss packs for one cup. Lol

bonnie 'Marilyn' parker said...

LMAO god, you fattie ;)
yeah, i usually dont even bother getting hot chocolate for that reason. champurado is always good, but i've only found good champurado in LA :(

d said...

Wtf is with you and your sister calling me fat today. Lmao
I sware I hardly ever eat anymore.....besides the blog posts. Hahaha

bonnie 'Marilyn' parker said...

lmao well between mcDs and pizza.... you're calorically set for the rest of your life :)

d said...

Between you and your sister your gonna give me an eating complex. Lol. Its not like mcdonalds and pizza hut are a daily thing......just the tacos pastor n salad!

Zoey said...

mickeys isnt bad u get 300 calories on a plain cheeseburger thats like a bag of chips n soda, scrw that i rather kill that plain double cheeseburger

Zoey said...

mickeys isnt bad u get 300 calories on a plain cheeseburger thats like a bag of chips n soda, scrw that i rather kill that plain double cheeseburger

Zoey said...

sonics is the shizznit, but wait u actually psted. up.......milagros de la virgen suyapa.

Zoey said...

n yes ur fat u need to drop to 140 again for me to b happy at ur fat 170 ass. lmfao.

d said...

Fu and your stupid chole
Im still around 160 fyi trick.
140 cost to much and don't feel like going insane again unless you want to pay my way.

bonnie 'Marilyn' parker said...

lard ass.